Thursday, January 6, 2011


this is just a buffer post to sort of introduce this blog. ive been writing blogs for many years now and i am kicking myself in the foot for not starting a travel blog ever since i started traveling. my partner and i (and soon to be husband) have travelled to many places and i wish i documented all our travel memories. but there's no other time than the present right?

i am about to embark on a journey on my own. new country, new job, new place, new life. all about me and all on my own.  not like my normal life is not challenging enough. i am getting married afterall. i should be writing a brideblog, but instead - this. i like being distinctive afterall.

i'm always up for a good challenge. this one is like america's next top model / the amazing race / big brother - all rolled into one! i hope i survive the challenge. keep reading and find out :)

p.s. my apologies for the very lame and unimaginative blog title and url.