Saturday, March 5, 2011

29 - night out with the boys

i remember emailing with my sister one day and i was telling her stories from here and she instinctively know what i was going through. she said something along this line (paraphrased), "you have really low tolerance for girls so im not surprised you're going crazy living with women - and not just women - MODELS!". she knows this because of how i am at home and how my relationship is with her and my mother. there have been times when i would not speak to either of them for days, even weeks, or months. i am capable of not speaking and i have perfected the art of turning people into vapour and just ignoring their mere existence. that's how i cope. it's not the most ideal thing to do, but i am non-confrontational and i dont like big blowout conflicts, so i stay mute. my silence is deadly.

so when i turn to silent mode here, people (women) arent used to it and they take it personal and my most hated question when im in this 'mode' is "are you mad at me?".  anyway, i have no patience to deal with bullshit or drama that women bring to my life. i have a close knit of girl friends and i have many friends to last me a life time but i make sure i balance this out with guy friends that i can just chill with 'drama-free' and just chill like boys do. i do well being just one of the guys and i actually prefer it that way. although my friendship with boys has always been a challenge for me because some boys always want something more than friendship. this is one of my FML situations.

there was a point in time i was just done with girls so i hung out with the boys and i had a real blast. we were the last ones in the club at 4am, all drunk and stupid. good times.

all prim and proper at caprice bar for some model photo-op
(avec chris et brii)

les garcons et moi <3

jan - mon petit chouchou
i heart this guy, my soul bff :)

"i like you because you're different.. like an angel" - cd
(i think it sounds less cheesy in german lol)

woohoo! and the booze comes out .. love it.

i kissed a girl and i liked it :)
the paparazzi camera has the real kiss on the lips and i cant get a hold of it!!

you know youre good looking when you can pull off a funny face and still look adorable

underneath it all - jan's 8pk abs *hummina*
the gay guys were drooling all over this and i was cockblocking
"you are the luckiest girl in this club, i hate you" - says the gay guy

all night longggg...
i am known at the club as "TORONTO!"
everyone loves a toronto girl ;)

Friday, March 4, 2011

28 - sex, lies and videotapes

being a model has its perks, especially if you're exotic and do not blend in with the norm of the blonde hair/blue eyes. it's just easier to pick you out. on a very dull and boring night, my LA roommate and i were invited to have dinner with the high rollers (we're talking ambassadors, et al) at camps bay (aka super posh and snotty area in CT). i love food and i could care less who im dining with, so i thought this was a good opportunity to get a free meal. after dinner we went to st. yves club for drinking and a private party. lots of free booze and schmoozing which is really not my thing. i was ready to book it after dinner, but my roommate decided she wants to get drunk. i told her that i'll stay until half past midnight because i have a job the next day. i believe in the "buddy system", but unfortunately she thinks that it's okay for her to be left alone in the club with people she just met. i told the host (jack, owner of the club) that i must leave because i have an early morning shoot the next day. he walked me outside where the cabs were waiting and slips a R100 in my hand and tells the driver to bring me home safely and to not drive too fast because i had some to drink.

i woke up at 4am and i looked at the empty bed beside me. i was confused but thought maybe the party ran late and she'll be in soon. i got up at 8am and she still wasnt home! i bbm'd her and she wasnt replying. i was getting rather worried and called a few people to see where she ended up. the driver i was with said, "you're so cute, you dont even know her and you're worried shitless". i dont know what kind of person would not be worried about that. plus if something does happen, i'll be the first person in question. anyway, long story short, she finally answers the phone and told me that she spent the night at a hotel with jack. whatever they did or didnt do, i could care less. what i was pissed off about was the fact that she didnt even have the audacity to let me know where she would be and had me worry my butt off. i was away the whole day and when i got home she filled me in with that happend. apparently this guy she met last night at the club really fancied her and said, "i want to see you again but im leaving for a flight in a couple of hours. i know you havent had much luck here in CT since you got here because your stuff got stolen and you havent gotten any bookings" and with that, he hands her $1000 USD. just like that. a wad of sweaty, dirty money which made me think of a few things: 1) what is this for? 2) why the heck did she accept it? 3) regardless of how rich one person is, no one in their right mind would give money out just like that to a person they just met, without any substantial return in exchange.

so here starts the shadiness of roommate number two. stay tuned how this turns for the worse...

brii and i at a seafood restaurant at camps bay

prawn platter

seafood pot


(i dont really know what the occassion was...)

endless supply of a.aa.aaalcohol

brii starting up the dance floor
she already had a few to drink obviously!

calculating her earnings for the night
just kidding! this was actually taken randomly..
just thought it'd be funny to sneak it into this post.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

27 - "summer camp" love affair

disclaimer: contains adult content. reader discretion is advised.

i find a lot of things fascinating with this city, but ive come to realize that what makes this city so unique are the people in it. there are three types of people in cape town: locals, tourists, and models. since i belong to the last group, ive decided to totally adapt to the character and eat, breathe and live like one. what ive found the most interesting, however, is the way they conduct themselves in "flirtationship" (a term coined very carefully as to not be mistaken with "relationship"). all models come from different parts of the world and whether or not they have relationships back home, that fact all goes down the drain while in CT. while youre in a land full of beautiful people, temptation will haunt you down and it will become very difficult to stay loyal and attached, if you are. whatever "fling" happens here in CT can be easily compared to as "summer camp" romance. everything is done very quickly because models are only here for 2-3 months. so the cycle goes like this: boy meets girl, boy kisses girl, boy asks girl for a date, boy takes girl home and does the nasty, they are in total romance mode for a week and they are both in cloud 9, boy sees another girl, boy becomes an asshole to girl to wean her away, girl gets heartbroken and bitchy, boy uses this as reason for breakup, flirtationship ends. and the vicious cycle continues. this can go on about 2-3 times for the average person.

both male and female models are sluts that change partners as often as they change their swimsuits. there are a few rules ive come across from guys: "do not sleep with a girl that your friend had already fucked". for girls on the other hand, it's "make sure he's not sleeping with anyone else but you". these rules sound very easy to follow, but trust me how often it fails especially for the ladies. i have a few girl friends here that have sworn over and over again that men are assholes and there is not one left in the city that is a "good guy". after hearing this i took it as a self challenge. mostly because ive never had my heart broken by a guy well enough to consider them "assholes", and two, i am a firm believer that there are still great guys out there - only stupid girls. lastly, chivalry is definitely not dead. so because ive become so intrigued by this whole ordeal, i thought that the only way i can prove my theory is to live it. yes you read that right. sort of like, "when in rome, do what romans do". but instead of following the cycle, i will do it how i normally date men - in a very smart and "dont fuck with me or you wont know what hit you" way.  it was easy enough for me to partake in this experience because i totally reinvented myself when i got here. i can be whoever and whatever i want to be in a place where no one knows who i really am and the life i live back in TO. it's a great time to be adventurous and live a pseudo life the way i want it to. it's having my cake and eating it too, but at the same time being careful not to get too fat. you know what i mean?

but since im not really entitled to be doing this sort of thing i had to come up with a few rules of my own:
1) no sex (like really... i can reinvent myself all i want but my morals will stay put - no ifs or buts!)
2) dont fall in love (i wear my heart on my sleeve, so this is my greatest challenge)
3) play the game right (it's all clean fun) and have a variety (do not get attached to ONE person - it's an experiment afterall!)

not to be all conceited, but i have not ran out of men chasing after me - all my friends can attest to that. i dont know how to put that in a more humble way. that's just how it is. even though im a serial monogamist, ive always had male suitors that try to fight for my attention. it was no different when i got here in CT. my first male suitor was a male model. that one was easy for me to resist - I DISLIKE MALE MODELS! but he was persistent, sweet, and not to mention gorgeous. but still i wasnt buying it. what i hate most is being played like a fool and this one would just be setting myself up for distress. but when ive decided to finally partake in this experiment, i decided that i cant be biased. so i had an array of men: the model (x3), the photographer (x2), the driver, the local (x2), the boy next door, the backpacker, the rastafarian, the friend, the friend's friend, the friend's friend's friend... that's all i can remember right now. oh and this is irrelevant to the topic, but just for comical effect, i've had a couple of females as well *shudders*.

but because this is a travel blog and not a dating journal, i will leave out the details and just go straight to the conclusion. my theory was correct. that there are still good guys out there, but it takes a smart woman to find them. you have to play your cards right and only go "all in" (literally?) when you're sure you're going to win. that's whats wrong with some women who act like they're the victims when relationships go sour. they give in too easily. the bets are high and their cards aren't played right at all. sure luck has something to do with it as well but it takes a lot of wit, charm, personality and brains to win over the right man. when im having girl venting nights with my friends and they all talk about their men adventures and how they're "all the same", i sit there and quietly sip my cosmopolitan, and they turn to me and ask, "how the fuck do you do it, woman?!?!" i give a sly grin and shrug coyly; but in my head i say, "i keep my legs crossed".

but just to cleanse my karma, there are some things that went wrong with this experiment. it was all done in vain and deceit and it can be considered manipulative to an extent. but it's not all so bad. great times and conversations were had. i make excellent company and i gave them hope that not all girls are "easy" and some do have self respect and can carry a good conversation with sense and pride. as for me, i love this whole game, from the chase to them actually falling for me. i feel triumphant in a weird way. i know it's messed up, but that's exactly how it is. i can also consider it as revenge for the ladies who had their hearts broken. i have a friend who said i play this dating game like a man. how i can easily detach myself from all feelings and emotions. contrary to that belief, that's the actually the biggest failure of this experiment...

i know after reading all this i probably sound lunatic and i should check myself to an institution. fear not, i actually go to meditation classes every tuesday night just to clear my head and restore my mana. i will go home soon and keep all this as learning experience. i have no regrets living the best of all worlds. i am one blessed mofo.

note: i am sick in bed with the flu and this '"controversial" creative writing totally helped me pass time. please check your judgements at the door and click out if you're hating. peace xx.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

26 - off the hook

before i came here to CT, my foot doctor who serendipitously just happens to be from SA told me that he has a niece around my age that i should contact so that i have an instant friend here. well, that all went well. i see her regularly for a bite to eat, go to the movies, girl talk over coffee, and she even invited me over to her place for a home cooked meal. she also introduced me to her friends and they instantly love me (naturally). we were instant BFFs and she's already dreading my departure and asked me to consider to stay. here are some party photos we took and probably the drunkest ive been in my life! i couldnt remember how some of these photos were taken - the whole experience was just blurry to me but after looking over the photos, it seemed like i had a blast! it was also refreshing to go to another city to party with different crowds and most especially, NO MODELS!  good times. this was definitely one of my fave memories here in CT.

nisreen and i <3

girlies partying it up at 'tiger tiger' in claremont

picture of a picture

the whole gang

our rosy cheeks tell you that we've already had a lot to drink

take 2

i forgot their names but they were with us too

stolen shot.. i seriously dont remember this ever happening
appaerntly i was smoking so much as well (oops)

another stolen shot - so funny when i saw these pix!
i went up the platform and just danced like a rockstar.
thats how i do

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

25 - llandadno beach

cape town is home to some of the most beautiful beaches ive ever seen. pictures can never do justice for anything ive seen and done here in SA, but here is my attempt anyway...

post shoot pics with JPH.
all photos were taken with my blackberry torch :)

EDIT: i added more photos in the "LA or bust" post from a different camera. scroll below.

Monday, February 28, 2011

24 - dont feed the models

if there's anything my roomie #2 and i had in common, it is for the love of food. metabolism hasnt caught up to her yet so she's in her glory days whereas she can consume absolutely everything and still keep her stick thin figure. she is up for a rude awakening a few years down the road. been there, done that !

we tried a bunch of stuff but usually we're way too excited to eat the food and forget to take the picture while it was still pretty. but below are some samples. if you're ever in CT and looking for a place to eat, all the "saul's" franchise are great, as well as "ocean basket" for some great seafood options.

at saul's taverna
brii having chicken espatada
deep friend calamari with couscous
the calamaris tasted like they just came out fresh from the ocean
easily one of the best ive had, and the couscous as well!

our dessertsssss
we obviously eat with our eyes

ocean basket's menu
i had to take a pic bc it was so witty
sitting by the terrace makes food taste that much better

how cute is that eating on the pan itself??
it was super good. im salivating just thinking bout it.

our dessert

Sunday, February 27, 2011

23 - LA or bust

my second roommate was from LA and the moment i met her, it was already on a negative note (FML right??). i was so excited to finally be with a new person, but just as i entered the room and found her inside, she greeted me with, "dont look at my face right now".

turns out all her electronic gadgets got stolen at joburg airport (laptop, ipod, blackberry, iphone, some jewelries also, etc); and naturally, she was devastated. i felt for her and i tried to comfort her and i was very considerate of everything. i showed her around our neighbourhood and even went to sort out her phone problems. but i knew at the back of my mind that she wasnt BFF material for me. and again, i was living with someone who did not appreciate this marvelous place as much as i do. can i get a double 'womp womp' ?

BUT i always make the best out of everything. i knew some partying and alcohol would somehow alleviate the problem. so i took it upon myself to take her to her first party in CT, along with my favourites.  btw, ex roommate was at this party as well but she was all jealous and diva-ish. couldnt stand that she wasnt centre of attention so she left for another party. but me and her were cool and i act like we were still good friends :)

her welcome drink
she loves them patrons
(sign #1 - u have to follow my blog to see how this turns crazy)

meet roommate #2 - "brii"
she's super cute actually
also walked around naked.. it's a model thing.

finally a sister who can dance it up with me
we always choose to dance on a higher level than everyone else
i hate being drowned in the crowd with people - yuck

and so it begins... endless round of alcohol

shots shots shots shots !

they just kept giving us drinks one after the other
i would always fake it and spill it on the floor,
or chase it with my mixed drink and spit it out in there

clearly the person taking this is already drunk...
- with brii and natalie


dancing queens

with the german twins

with my ex roomie, miriam

with natalie

my 'long' island iced tea
they dared me to do it ;)

the night i cant remember...